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My package was scanned as delivered, but I cannot find it. Where is it?Updated 2 months ago

There are a few things that could cause this to happen. It’s possible that your package has been delivered, but has not yet been discovered. Depending on how mail is delivered in your building, it may not have been delivered to your apartment door; you may need to check a secondary location such as a mail room, front desk, or safe drop location. Also, check with everyone in the household, as another person may have received or retrieved the item. Another possibility is that it’s been stolen after it was delivered. Please be sure to provide a shipping address that is secure against theft, as we cannot prevent or guarantee against this ourselves. If you want to pay more for an upgraded service that requires a signature for delivery, please let store support know, preferably before you place your order, and we'll look into it. Once we have sent you your tracking number, please follow the tracking closely and, if possible, sign up for updates on the carrier’s website if possible to avoid any delivery issues. If your item has not been physically delivered within 24 hours of a delivery scan (the carrier sometimes scans it as delivered before actual delivery occurs), please feel free to contact store support as soon as possible. We do not guarantee against theft or loss after a package has been scanned as delivered, so refunds are not possible, but we can provide advice or guidance on what actions you can take. Please note that the chances of finding a missing package decrease with time, so if you don't reach out within 5 business days of the delivery scan, it is less likely we will be able to help you find your package

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